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  • by Dom Watts
    In an unprecedented move to tackle the rising threat of converted firearms within the UK, a national amnesty has been initiated for specific types of blank-firing guns, commonly known as top-venting blank firers (TVBFs). The amnesty which started on the 3rd February 2025 and concludes on the 28th February, 2025, targets four Turkish-manufactured models that […]
  • by Dom Watts
    Mr Justice Goose is a British High Court judge in the King’s Bench Division. Sir Julian Nicholas Goose is known as The Honourable Mr Justice Goose and should be addressed in court as “My Lord”. Mr Justice Julian Nicholas Goose, a respected figure in the British judiciary, has made significant contributions to the legal system through his roles […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The Open Justice Principle refers to the idea that justice should be administered openly, transparently and in a manner that is accessible to the public. Here are the key aspects of this principle: The Open Justice Principle is fundamental in democratic societies as it underpins the rule of law and democratic governance by ensuring that […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The United Kingdom has three separate legal systems; one each for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This system operates within a constitutional framework where the powers are distributed among three branches: the Judiciary, the Legislature (Parliament), and the Executive (Government). This reflects its historical origins and the fact that both Scotland and Ireland, and […]
  • by Dom Watts
    His Honour Judge Kearl is a Circuit Judge and the Recorder of Leeds. He is the most senior judge at Leeds Crown Court. On the 5th of January 2025, Elon Musk re-posted on X an image/post of HHJ Kearl KC and commented “This clown looks like he bought that wig from the Party City liquidation […]
  • by Dom Watts
    Mr Justice Williams is a British High Court judge in the Family Division. Sir David Basil Williams is known as The Honourable Mr Justice Williams and should be addressed in court as “My Lord”. Mr Justice Williams was born on the 18th June 1964 in Bedford and was educated at Cedars Upper School in Leighton Buzzard. He completed […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The UK’s criminal justice system is facing significant delays, with some trials being postponed until as late as 2028. A Sky News investigation at Leicester Crown Court revealed a criminal justice system described as chaotic and ineffective, characterised by: The judge then takes the unusual step of addressing the crisis to us in open court. […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The Solicitor General is the second law officer of the Crown in the United Kingdom, after the Attorney General. The role of the Solicitor General is to assist the Attorney General in their legal duties and responsibilities, and to act as their deputy in their absence. The Solicitor General is also responsible for representing the […]
  • by Dom Watts
    Sub judice is a Latin term meaning “under judgment.” In legal contexts, it refers to a case or matter that is currently under judicial consideration and has not yet been decided. Here are some key points: The sub judice rule prevents MPs or Lords from referring to a current or impending court case. Although the […]
  • by Dom Watts
    A Non-Crime Hate Incident (NCHI) in the UK refers to any incident where an individual or group perceives that they have been subjected to hostility or prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or transgender identity, even if no criminal activity has taken place. Here are key points about NCHIs: The Home Office published […]
  • by Dom Watts
    A coverup is an attempt to conceal wrongdoing, mistakes, or embarrassing information, usually by those in positions of power or authority. It involves: Coverups can occur in various contexts, from government and corporate sectors to personal or organisational levels, often aiming to protect reputations, avoid legal consequences, or maintain power. Here are some notable examples […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The Government Legal Department (GLD) serves as the principal legal adviser to the UK Government. The core purpose of the GLD is to help the government to govern well, within the rule of law. The GLD is a non-ministerial government department and executive agency. The GLD has more than 3,000 employees, around 2,500 of whom are solicitors or […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The “High Sheriff” is an independent non-political Royal appointment for a single year only. There are 55 High Sheriffs serving the counties of England and Wales. The post is unpaid (except for a nominal court attendance allowance), and the general expenses of the office are borne personally by the holder. There is a High Sheriff […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The Civil Justice Council (CJC) is a non-departmental public body in the United Kingdom, specifically for England and Wales. Its primary role is to advise the Lord Chancellor, the Judiciary, and the Civil Procedure Rule Committee on matters related to civil justice and civil procedure. Here are some key points about the CJC: Civil Justice […]
  • by Dom Watts
    The concept of the “weaponization and politicisation of justice” generally refers to the misuse of legal systems or judicial processes for political ends. In the UK : It is vitally important in a democracy that individual judges and the judiciary as a whole are impartial and independent of all external pressures and of each other […]

“Honest – Honesty -Honestly !”

Dom Watts

CEO, Honest